Luke 24:50-53
Then He led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up His hands He blessed them. While He blessed them, He parted from them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple blessing God. (ESV)
- The Lords’ Exit
a) He Led them (v50a):
Jesus led them as far as Bethany and provided continued guidance and care. He continues to lead us as our Prophet Priest and King. God’s Christ and our Redeemer.
b) He Loved them (v50b):
Jesus blessed them, lifting up His hands (see Matthew 5v3-12). Later on they went back to Jerusalem with great joy!
c) He Left them (v51a):
He departed from them, as it was part of fulfilling God’s redemptive plan. He did not abandon them – He showed them His glory and that only He could do what He is doing.
- The Disciple’s Exultation
a) His Carriage (v51b):
Jesus was carried up into heaven and to glory by God the Father and God the Holy Spirit in this glorious carriage.
b) His Crown (v52-53):
He was crowned in heaven and is now seated next to the Father and so they worshipped Him! See Matthew (14:33), Matthew 28. Notice the disciple’s journey (He led them) to Jerusalem and their jubilation as a result of great joy.
The disciples rejoiced continually, actively participating in the religious life of the community within the temple and blessing God, engaging in acts of praise, worship, adoration and thanksgiving to God. So should all who believe on His Name.