Sermons from December 2020

The Problem of Materialism

We are in the Advent season – that time of the year where, in a special way, not in an exclusive way, because I hope we do it the rest of the year too – that we never forget the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that we don’t only think about it at…

Advent 2 – The Nature of the Messiah

Philippians 2 v 1 – 11 Please turn with me in your Bibles to Philippians chapter 2. We’re going to read together from the first verse.1So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, 2complete my joy by being of the same mind,…

The Glory and Gift of God

John 3 v 16 Thank you all for listening this morning so intently to the beginning of our Advent series. We’re in the time of Advent. In the liturgical calendar in the history of the Church, people used to follow the flow of the year according to the liturgical calendar and it was Advent and…

Advent 1 – The Need for the Messiah

Selected Scriptures You can keep your Bibles handy. We are going to refer to some selected Scriptures this morning as we go along. I’m interrupting the series on Romans and Malachi for until after the Advent season. Here’s the reason – and it’s not without controversy: We find ourselves in that time of the year…