Colossians 2v1-10
Colossians 2v1-10
Ecclesiastes 3v1-15
Colossians 1 v 21-29
Ecclesiastes 1-2
Colossians 1 v 13-20
Ecclesiastes 3
Colossians 1 v 9-14
Structure of the Book: 1 – The Preacher’s Initial Cynicism (Eccl 1-2) 2 – The Preacher’s Deeper Consideration (Eccl 3-10) 3 – The Preacher’s Eventual Conclusion (Eccl 11-12)
Colossians 1 v 1-8 Main points: 1. They were known for their Faith and steadfastness in Christ Jesus, our Prophet. 2. They had Love for all the saints, from Christ our High Priest. 3. They had Hope in Christ our King.