Constantia Park Baptist Church
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Sermons from October 2014
03 True Fellowship with Christ
26th October 2014
Willem Bronkhorst
(1 John 2v3-6)
02 The Faith that Hopes in the Promises of God
26th October 2014
Willem Bronkhorst
(Heb 11v8-22)
02 True Fellowship with God
19th October 2014
Willem Bronkhorst
(1 John 1v5-2v2)
01 The Faith that Does what is Pleasing to God
19th October 2014
Willem Bronkhorst
(Heb 11v1-7)
01 Christians are from God – NOT the world
12th October 2014
Willem Bronkhorst
(1 John 1v1-4)