05 A Good Christian Conscience

2 Corinthians 1v12

For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you. (ESV)


We saw last week that the only thing that helps us is the will and the work of God.

The conscience is the moral compass playing a significant role in the pursuit of truth, justice and beauty. People will say that it is only Christians who have a conscience – not according to Paul (see Rom. 2:12-16). The Law doesn’t give to us our conscience but explains to us our conscience and why have it.
a. Truth – the conscience can prompt us to seek honesty, integrity and accuracy in our thoughts, words and actions.  It encourages a commitment to truthfulness and an aversion {to deception and falsehood.
b. Justice – I sorrow that the Fall ever occurred making the Cross necessary, and I long for the Day that sin will be eradicated, and justice prevail forever.
c. Beauty – our conscience helps us to embrace that which is beautiful.

The conscience generates an innate sense of right and wrong, beauty and ugliness, justice and malice. It influences not only what we do, but why we are doing it – our motives and intentions behind what we do. It also is at play at how we do it. The conscience is a divine gift.

Aspects of a good Christian conscience:

  1. Its Formation – by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit (Psalm 119:11).

  2. Its Function – Moral decision making (Rom. 14:23).

  3. Its Fortitude – to take personal responsibility for our actions (1 Pet. 3:16).

  4. Its Fruit – to make us grow in faith, distinguishing good from evil (Heb. 5:14).

  5. Its Foundation – the Great Commandment. The purpose of our existence is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.

  6. Its Fallibility – we can silence our conscience, with devastating consequences.

Your conscience is like a very loyal friend who means you well, as does your heavenly Father.