04 The Purpose and Heart of Prayer

Philippians 1 v 9-11

Christian prayer has at heart the praise and glory of God.
Paul is concerned about four things regarding the spiritual well-being of the Philippians:

  1. That their love may abound and increase – growing more and more (2 Pet 1:5-8).
    Our love must grow in knowledge and all discernment. Love that is blind to truth and knowledge is not love (James 1:5).
  2. That they may approve the things that are excellent.
    It means to try, test, demonstrate and accept that which God approves – His perfect will (Rom 12:2).
    It means to approve it to ourselves and other people.
    Love is the First, the Finest and the Final thing (1 Cor. 13).
  3. That they may be pure and blameless.
    Love is to purge us from things inside us that hurt other people.
    This is to continue until the Day of Christ.
  4. That they be filled with fruit of righteousness.
    This fruit is only possible by the Lord Jesus Christ – not through moralism. It’s letting His light shine in this dark world – good works (1 Pet 2:12).

We must pray that our love abound more and more to the praise and the glory of God.