04 The Prophet’s Patience

Habakkuk 2 v 1-7

Habakkuk’s Prayer (ch 1), Patience (ch 2) and Peace (ch 3).
He saw God’s Plan, His Power and trusted in His Providence.

Injustice is all around us – people losing their jobs and salaries.
American businesses – broken down and bordered up.
We feel the strain of economies going bad and ask why this is happening.

God is saying that He is doing it His way.
If ever we needed to trust God, it is now.
When we really believe Romans 8, we won’t be malicious and restless.
God is in control – this is His world.

We must wait on the Lord in prayer AND take our stand in the watch post.
From his watchtower Habakkuk is looking out for the world and the devil – for things that will beset him and bring him down. What he looks out for most of all is the greatest danger that is inside of us – the heart, where the seed of destruction is.

In my watchtower I must be on the look-out to see what God is going to say to me – prayer being a two way conversation.

  1. Faith grasping the solution (from verse 2).
    The righteous shall live by his faith (v 4b).
    What does this faith mean?
    a. Knowing the will and the Word of God – knowledge of the Truth of God – His Providence and plan of salvation. God is in control.
    b. Assent (agreement) – not only in your head, but in your heart too.
    A lot of the things that God says to us grind against our nature and emotions.
    If we despite that, let it sink into our hearts and respond ‘yes Lord’ it will help us.
    It is knowing and being comfortable with what God does.
    c. Trusting in God’s Power and Providence, which is what ‘the righteous shall live by faith’ means.
  1. God’s answer: He will judge the proud (v6-19).

What do we do in the meantime?
We live by faith, trusting in His Plan, Providence and Power.