
Oracles of the Prophet Habakkuk

13 Habakkuk: The Conclusion of the Matter

Habakkuk 1 – 3 The hymn that we sang appropriately sums up what we’ve learnt from Habakkuk: ‘the bud may be bitter, but the flower will be sweet’. That’s what Habakkuk was struggling with – he was seeing some bad things coming and he wrestled with God because of that.  If often happens to us…

10 Our Saviour’s Power, Promise and Purposes

Habakkuk 3v9-13a The ESV and King James used different ground texts. The words ‘Thy bow was made quite naked, according to the oaths of the tribes, even Thy word’ in the KJV is very important, and should be considered part of Holy Scripture. We need to wait until all the evidence is in before we…

08 The Prophet’s Comprehension, Cry and Contrition

Habakkuk 3 v 1 – 2 First prayer – Habakkuk’s lament about Judah’s unrighteousness and coldheartedness.Second prayer – Habakkuk’s lament because God used the Chaldeans to afflict Judah, taking them into captivity for seventy years (two generations).Third prayer – Habakkuk reveals through this prayer what the Lord has revealed to him. God told him in…

06 The Prophet’s Response

Habakkuk 2 v 1-4 Habakkuk responds in Piety (godliness) and Patience, not seeking to exert power and wrath. He was in deep pain because of what was happening – the Chaldeans sweeping across the land. When you have a pain like that, you must pray like Habakkuk, and once you’ve prayed respond correctly to the…

05 The Prophet’s Faith

Habakkuk 1-3 Overview:Written in the Old Testament period when only Judah was left alone.Habakkuk means ’embrace’ – to hold close.Luther said about him:“He speaks as one who took his nation to his heart, comforted and held them up as one embraces and presses to his bosom a poor, weeping child – calming and consoling it…

04 The Prophet’s Patience

Habakkuk 2 v 1-7 Overview:Habakkuk’s Prayer (ch 1), Patience (ch 2) and Peace (ch 3).He saw God’s Plan, His Power and trusted in His Providence. Injustice is all around us – people losing their jobs and salaries.American businesses – broken down and bordered up.We feel the strain of economies going bad and ask why this…